I’m on an epic Euro tour at the moment, kinda like the new Muppets movie, only with less frog.(Although I’ve been doing so many interviews, I’m starting to sound a little croaky)
I’ve been doing back-to-back interviews, taking in a little sightseeing and talking bioethics and parasites with cool people along the way.
I’m trying to be better about taking photographs while I’m travelling and will be posting more regularly to my Instagram account, which also has some of my Detroit and Chicago research pics. Here’s one of Warsaw’s old town which only looks like it was built in the 1600s. After the city was levelled in the Warsaw Uprising, Stalin rebuilt big swathes of the city. It’s very strange and a little unsettling (especially with super-moody filter).
So here’s where I am for the next three weeks
I’m at Pyrkon in sunny Poznan, Poland for the weekend of 21-23 March along with my friend Charlie Stross and the lovely Tad Williams as well as many fine Polish authors and over 6000 con attendees!
Then on to Zagreb and Istrakon in Pazin, Istria, Croatia 27-30 March
2 April, I’m in Paris doing a signing at Librarie Charybde, Paris, France at 7.30pm
Before heading off to the Quai du Polar Festival in Lyons, France, with Warren Ellis and James Elleroy among others, 4-6 April.
And finally I end up in Brussels, Belgium to give a lecture on that bright shining city, Johannesburg, at Recyclart.
You can get all the details on this and the rest of my tentative schedule for the year over here.
(If you’re counting countries and have noticed that I skipped one, it’s cos I did a quick in-and-out to London where I saw my lovely agent and the good people of HarperCollins, including my UK editor, Julia Wisdom, who denies that they put up the display of The Shining Girls that morning because she knew I was coming)