Ralph Harris at BookPage reviewed Bridge calling it a “drugs-and-rock-and-roll version of astral projection”. Thrilled that Harris found himself theorising about what would happen to Bridge, Jo and Dom and that it was still a satisfying surprise at the end. Thank you Ralph Harris and BookPage!

“It’s impossible to stop reading until they find out if their theories are right or wrong, even if that discovery comes at 2 a.m. and they will certainly regret it at work later that day.”

Via Bookpage:

Bridge is a mystery and a family drama wrapped in the trappings of science fiction, with Beukes spending most of the book examining the difficult and complicated relationships between her characters. Beukes impressively paints each individual with a highly realistic level of detail and a clear-eyed perspective on their faults; there are no overblown types or caricatures to be found. The cast provides a full spectrum of human foibles, ranging from “Well, this character’s probably being the best friend they can reasonably be,” to “Wow, this character is somehow worse than a serial killer.”