Broken Monsters launched in the UK at a Shoreditch art gallery with monster munch snacks, a cheeky app “What’s Your Killer Personality” (you can try it online at, evocative Detroit photography by my friend Scott Hocking (who has a cameo in the novel) and Instagrammer TonyDetroit, and, my favourite thing of all, a secret room in back where you could fill in a luggage tag to complete the sentence, “I’ve lost…” or “I dreamt…” or “I broke…” with a UV pen and hang in on a locker cage in the back where the message would be revealed (This is a riff off the Dream Party scene in the novel – and inspired by a piece of art at the Zoo City exhibition in Johannesburg).
ALL book launches should have a secret room!
Huge thanks to the hard-working team at HarperCollins – Lucy and Hannah and Lou especially for an awesome launch.