What an incredible review of Bridge! Had to laugh at such a brilliant headline “So Your Mother Is Hiding in the Multiverse? Then Here, Eat This.” and I absolutely loved Hogarth’s synopsis of the book and spot on description of Amber! Thank you so much Ainslie Hogarth and the New York Times for such a lovely piece on my newest novel. Bridge celebrated its US pub day yesterday August 8th.
In Ainslie Hogarth’s words:
Bridge, the titular character in Lauren Beukes’s trippy new novel, is adrift. She has dropped out of a business-degree program, now works full time at a bookstore, and is kicking herself for not pursuing film like she really wanted. Or only maybe wanted. Bridge doesn’t actually know what she wants or who she is. She’s the opposite of her boundlessly supportive best friend Dom, a nonbinary Puerto Rican artist who’s worked very hard to know exactly who they are.
[…] you can tell Beukes is having an absolute blast putting words on the page. Her fun is evident in the big, bloody action sequences; in the squirmy, almost retro grotesqueness of the dreamworm. And she does it all while probing one of life’s most tantalizing questions: How do we become the people we are?