The final issue of our Vertigo horror comic series, Survivors’ Club is out now. Co-written by me and Dale Halvorsen (aka @joeyhifi) with art by the brilliant Ryan Kelly, the series asks: what if the 80s horror movies were real? And where are those kids today?
Issue #9 is out now and available from your local comic books store or you can buy the whole series in digital from Comixology right now.
The trade paperback aka graphic novel collection of all the issues will be out in September 21st.
The whole Survivors’ Club team – Dale and I, artist Ryan Kelly, colorist Eva de la Cruz and letterer Clem Robins – answered ten questions about our work on the series for Tim Beedle from Vertigo Comics.
Here’s an excerpt, where we all answer Tim’s question about how inspiration strikes us:
Ryan: Although I start my workday at 8:00 a.m., inspiration doesn’t really strike until 3 p.m. after many cups of coffee and much desperation.
Clem: If there really is such a thing as inspiration, I’ve never encountered it. I like doing the work I do. It’s fun. Does that count as inspiration?
Eva: While listening to music.
Dale: In the bath.
Lauren: In Dale’s bath. Don’t tell him I’m there, whispering to him through the plughole.
Click through here for the full interview.