RandomHouse Umuzi released the cover of The Shining Girls by the brilliant and super-award-winning Joey Hi-Fi.

What I love most about it is that, appropriately, it’s a very different treatment to his previous covers for Zoo City and Moxyland, but is still obviously in the same general family, with ingenious typography used in combination with photographs I’d taken rom my research trip to Chicago. 


“It was a bit like solving my very own typographic version of the Hellraiser puzzle box.” – Joey Hi-Fi

If you’re interested in how a cover is put together and Joey Hi-Fi’s step-by-step creative process, Mandy J Watson interviewed him IN SERIOUS DEPTH over at Brainwavez.

Pornokitsch also interviewed him about assembling visual mysteries, fighting robots, dinosaurs and working with hovering authors. 

They also announced the limited edition black variant hardcover. 1000 copies only – all signed! You can order it from your local bookstore, or pre-order from Exclusives or, if ordering from outside of South Africa, email an indie who is willing to handle foreign postage, like booklounge.co.za in Cape Town. (The actual book will only be out April 15th)