Jade Klara did a series of illustrations for Dead Duck, the fictional children’s book in The Shining Girls. 

The Cape Town illustrator has an upcoming exhibition, The Witching Hour, at Salon 91 in Cape Town 16 Oct – 9 Nov, so it seemed like the perfect time to re-post these!

Dead Duck is a picture book about a morbidly curious duckling that Rachel Mazrachi starts writing after her daughter, Kirby is attacked by time-travelling serial killer, Harper Curtis. It’s all about coming to terms with death, but she never quite manages to finish it.

These originally appeared on The Shining Girls website, commissioned by HarperCollins as a teaser. The coyote is the story featured in the book, the pony is for kicks, and the rest are sly references to the shining girls who are killed.

dead duck coyote

dead duck pony


Dead Duck Butterfly


dead duck pigeon


dead duck shining girl